Rabu, 05 November 2008


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Senin, 27 Oktober 2008

SISTEM SKS ---- Mengapa Diperlukan?

Mengapa Perlu Sistem SKS?

  1. Alasan Yuridis tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan dalam Pasal 11 Ayat 3 menyatakan bahwa beban belajar untuk SMA pada jalur pendidikan formal kategori mandiri dinyatakan dalam satuan kredit semester.
  2. Alasan Pedagogis-Logis
    Kebutuhan, minat dan potensi peserta didik lebih terakomodasi karena mereka dapat menentukan beban belajar dan memilih mata pelajaran secara mandiri.Kecepatan dan gaya belajar peserta didik yang bervariasi dapat dilayani dan berlangsung secara alami.

Apa itu Sistem SKS?
Sistem Satuan Kredit Semester (SKS) adalah system penyelenggara an program pendidikan yang peserta didiknya menentukan sendiri beban belajar dan mata pelajaran yang diikuti setiap semester pada satuan pendidikan (Permendiknas Nomor 22 tahun 2006 tentang Standar Isi bab III).Beban belajar setiap mata pelajaran dinyatakan dalam Satuan Kredit Semester (SKS).

Mata pelajaran dikelompokkan menjadi :

  1. Mata Pelajaran Umum
  2. Mata Pelajaran Wajib
  3. Mata Pelajaran Pilihan

Muatan Lokal yang disediakan adalah :

  1. Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup
  2. Sinematografi
  3. Robotik

Kegiatan pengembangan diri terbagi :

  • Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler
  • Layanan bimbingan konseling
  • Kegiatan pembiasaan

Bagaimana Penyelenggaraan Sistem SKS?

1. Sistem Pembelajaran

  • Kegiatan pembelajaran dibagi menjadi
  • Kegiatan tatap muka
  • Kegiatan tugas terstruktur
  • Kegiatan tugas mandiri

1. SKS diartikan sebagai :

a. 1 jam pelajaran tatap muka terjadwal
b. 1 jam pelajaran tugas terstruktur terjadwal
c. 1 jam pelajaran tugas mandiri tidak terjadwal

Strategi pembelajaran dengan system moving class, yang artinya peserta didik berpindah (moving) dari satu kelas ke kelas yang lainnya sesuai mata pelajaran yang diikuti.

2. Sistem Penilaian

  • Penilaian menggunakan acuan criteria dengan batas minimal pencapaian ketuntasan sebesar 75%
  • Penilaian terdiri dari penilaian proses dan penilaian hasil.
  • Penilaian proses adalah penilaian untuk mengetahui pencapaian kompetensi melalui tes formatif (ulangan harian), pengamatan sikap, untuk kerja secara individual maupun kelompok, tugas, penilaian produk/proyek, dan/atau portofolio.
  • Penilaian hasil adalah penilaian untuk mengetahui pencapaian kompetensi melalui ujian tertulis pada tengah semester dan akhir semester.
  • Peserta didik yang belum tuntas berhak mengikuti remedial, yang dilakukan sepanjang waktu sampai akhir semester dan yang sudah tuntas berhak mendapatkan pengayaan, serta adanya program percepatan/enrichment.

3. Sistem Penetapan Beban Belajar dan Pemilihan Mata Pelajaran

  • Penetapan Beban Belajar
    a) Beban belajar per semester antara 20 SKS sampai dengan 24 SKS
  • b) Khusus Siswa Cerdas Istimewa (SCI) beban belajar sebanyak 32 SKS per semester.

4. Pemilihan Mata Pelajaran

  • Semester 1 disebut pilihan terbatas, semester 2 disebut pilihan terbimbing semester 3 dan seterusnya disebut pilihan diperluas.
  • Pilihan terbatas artinya menu atau paket mata pelajaran ditentukan oleh sekolah dan diberlakukan untuk seluruh peserta didik yaitu 10 mata pelajaran.
  • Pilihan terbimbing artinya menu atau paket mata pelajaran yang pemilihannya dibimbing oleh Penasihat Akademik peserta didik.
  • Pilihan diperluas artinya menu atau paket mata pelajaran kekhasan program dapat dikayakan dengan menu/paket mata pelajaran lintas program
  • Peminatan pilihan program IPA mensyaratkan nilai pencapaian kompetensi mata pelajaran Fisika 1, Kimia1, Biologi1, minimal 75% sedangkan peminatan program IPS mensyaratkan nilai pencapaian kompetensi mata pelajaran Ekonomi 1, Sosiologi 1, Geografi 1 minimal 75%. Batas akhir klasifikasi peserta didik ke dalam program IPA atau program IPS sampai akhir semester 2.

5. Pedoman Kelulusan

  • Mengumpulkan/menyelesaikan sekurang-kurangnya 116 SKS.
  • 90% mata pelajaran yang diikuti mencapai batas minimal ketuntasan dengan 10% mata pelajaran yang tidak mencapai batas ketuntasan, yang bukan merupakan mata pelajaran cirri khas program, dan indeks Prestasi Kumulatif minimal 2,70.
  • Memiliki sikap baik
  • Lulus Ujian sekolah
  • Lulus Ujian Nasional
  • Sejak Kapan SKS Dilaksanakan?
    Mengacu pada rencana jangka menengah, rencana penyelenggaraan 5 tahun merupakan kurun waktu bagi r-SMABI untuk menjadi Sekolah yang mandiri, dengan target sebagai berikut.
  • Tahun Pertama : adanya kelas rintisan bertaraf internasional.
  • Tahun ke dua : menggunakan strategi moving class.
  • Tahun ke tiga : rintisan Sistem SKS tahun pertama.
  • Tahun ke empat : rintisan Sistem SKS tahun kedua.
  • Tahun ke lima : rintisan Sistem SKS tahun ketiga

Beberapa Konsekuensi Pelaksanaan Sistem SKS

  • Tidak ada kenaikan kelas.
  • Pendidikan dapat ditempuh secara cepat selama 2 tahun, secara normal selama 3 tahun dan secara lambat selama 4 tahun, serta maksimal selama 5 tahun.
  • Peserta didik akan didampingi oleh Penasehat Akademik selama menempuh pendidikan.


Subdit Kelembagaan Sekolah

Direktorat PSMA telah membuat web http://psb-psma.org/ sebagai Pusat Sumber Belajar Dit. PSMA yang pembuatnya dibayar dengan uang negara. Visi-misi web ini antara lain untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan kemauan serta kemampuan guru SMA dalam memanfaatkan sarana TIK dan website sebagai sumber belajar dalam melaksanakan proses pembelajaran.
Para peserta bimtek babu telah diajari cara membuat bahan ajar menggunakan TIK dan diajari mendaftar menjadi anggota web psb ini dan bagaimana sharing filenya. Salah satu indikator keberhasilan pelaksanaan babu adalah terwujudnya web psb yang aktif dari para adminnya dan peran aktif dari anggotanya.

Bapak/Ibu Kepala Sekolah supaya mendorong mereka untuk berperan aktif membuat bahan ajar dan berbagi pada yang lain. Hal terpenting suksesnya web itu bukan masalah teknis, namun masalah terbesar adalah pengguna dan sikap pengguna. Tidak perlu kendaraan sebagus Jaguar dan Audi yang penuh instrumen teknologi tinggi namun dikendarai oleh sopir bajaj dan melaju di jalan berlubang serta becek. Memakai kijang inova yang dikendarai oleh sopir pribadi dan mempunyai sim A serta melaju di jalan TOL akan terasa lebih nikmat dan cepat.

Keberhasilan web ini diperlukan kesadaran dan keiklasan untuk berbagi dan kesadaran etika bagi para menguduh file. Berbagi file kepada teman-teman sendiri ilmunya tidak akan habis dan berkurang, tetapi orang yang pelit membagi ilmunya justru tidak akan berkembang, merasa dirinya hebat serta ada kecenderungan orang lain jangan sampai mengetahui apa-apa, sikap ini bukan cara bersaing secara positif. Ditumbuhkan etika bagi para pengunduh file, jangan sampai karya tersebut diaku miliknya sendiri dengan mengganti halaman halaman depan dan belakang, sebaliknya dikatakan darimana sumbernya dan dijadikan templet (mal) untuk berkarya hal sejenis yang lebih baik.
Mari kita tagih bersama dari para peserta yang ikut bimtek kemarin, mereka dikirim dengan biaya negara dan menggunakan laptop yang dibeli dari uang negara. Ditambah lagi keberangkatang mereka mungkin menimbulkan kecemburuan teman-teman guru lainnya. Kita tagih pula peran aktif para sekolah yang telah ditunjuk dan diberi uang oleh negara sebagai sekolah PSB. Serta peran lebih aktif lagi bagi para JPB psb ini.

more??? >>> ( click here http://psb-psma.org/ ))



Bila anda adalah guru dan kepala sekolah dari tingkat TK sampai SMA serta institutsi nasional dan internasional yang bergerak di bidang pendidikan, segera daftarkan diri Anda untuk mengikuti:

27-28 NOVEMBER 2008


Ahli pendidikan, institusi nasional dan internasional yang bergerak di bidang pendidikan, di antaranya:
  1. Dr. Baedhowi M.Si, Dirjen Peningkatan Mutu Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan Depdiknas
  2. H.E Dr. Edilberto C.. de Jesus, Presiden Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Council (SEAMEO)
  3. Prof. Dr. Edy Tri Baskoro, Anggota Badang Nasional Standar Pendidikan (BNSP)
  4. Prof.. S. Gopinathan, Wakil Dekan, Pusat Riset untuk Padagogi & Praktek Pendidikan NIE, NTU, Singapura
  5. Jim Dellit, Peneliti Senior Divisi Ilmu Pendidikan, Seni & Sosial, University of South Australia
  6. Dr. Jonathan Parapak, M.Eng.Sc, Rektor Universitas Pelita Harapan
  7. Prof. Dr. Komaruddin Hidayat, Rektor UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
  8. Prof. Dr. Libby Cohen, Profesor Emerita, Universitas Southern Maine , Amerika

Kegiatan Utama

  1. Dua hari kongres
    Rp 600.000 per peserta untuk paket konferensi, sertifikat, makan siang & rehat kopi serta shuttle bus dari hotel tertentu. (Harga tidak termasuk akomodasi)
    100 peserta pertama cukup membayar Rp 400.000
  2. Pameran pendidikan
    Rp 5.500.000 per booth untuk dua hari
    Sebuah booth ukuran 2x3 m2 termasuk 1 meja, 2 kursi, listrik 2 amper dan penerangan.

    Pembayaran kegiatan utama dapat dilakukan di:
    1. Transfer bank:
    Bank BCA KCP Bursa Efek Jakarta
    Nama rekening Yayasan Putera Sampoerna
    Nomor rekening 458-301-0222

    2. Kartu kredit Visa atau Master (syarat dan ketentuan berlaku)

    Formulir pendaftaran dan slip pembayaran mohon dikirim melalui fax ke 021- 577-2276 ; 559-601-79

    Registrasi and Informasi
    Sekretariat KGI 2008
    Sampoerna Foundation Teacher Institute
    Tower A, lantai 18 Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 45, Jakarta 12930
    Telp. 021-9127-6545 ; 021-5772275
    Fax. 021-5772276 ; 021-559-601- 79
    E-mail: http://us.mc575.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=info.TI@sampoernafoundation.org atau http://us.mc575.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=alma@pharma-pro.com


Jakarta, September 2008

A. Sesuai surat Direktur PSMA No. 1123/C4/KU/2008 tanggal, 22 September 2008 bhw dana
transportasi koordinator program untuk ikut workshop, dapat di alihkan utk 3 hal, yaitu :
  1. penyesuaian bayar honor dan transportasi koord. fasilitator.
  2. penyiapan data/ dokumen RSMABI. dan
  3. sosialisasi program serta administrasi.

B. Biaya Rakor kepala sekolah dan koordinator fasilitator bulan agustus di Yogyakarta merupakan beban Direktorat P.SMA.

C. Bentuk fisik untuk program beasiswa RSMABI, antara lain :

  1. Surat keputusan Kepala Sekolah yang isinya menyebut nama siswa yang berhak mendapatkan beasiswa dan besarnya beasiswa perbulan selama 1 tahun pelajaran 2008/2009,
  2. Tanda terima/ kuitansi beasiswa perbulan/persiswa. Tentu saja, perlu diawali dengan seleksi administasi oleh sekolah, bahkan kalau perlu dirapatkan oleh kepala sekolah dan dewan pendidik.


Iye Hasan

Dit. Pengembangan SMA

Minggu, 26 Oktober 2008


Preliminary English Test (PET)
PET is an exam for people who can use everyday written and spoken English at an intermediate level. It covers all four language skills — reading, writing, listening and speaking. Preparing for the exam is a popular way to develop and improve your language skills because it provides practical language practice in a variety of everyday work, study and leisure situations.
PET reflects the use of language in real life, such as understanding signs and announcements, and is accepted by many employers as proof of ability to use English in clerical, secretarial or managerial jobs. It is also widely accepted for use in jobs where spoken English is necessary such as tourism, retail, construction, manufacturing and engineering.

(berkunjung? === klik disini http://www.cambridgeesol.org/exams/general-english/pet.html))

DEBATPEDIA == Links and Sources

Teaching Resources: In the Classroom
Teachers trained by IDEA have used debate to teach a wide range of subjects, from foreign languages, history, and literature, to social sciences, natural sciences, and mathematics. Because debate teaches students to evaluate evidence, to form their own opinions based on research rather than knee-jerk reactions, and to present their views clearly and persuasively, it imparts skills that are useful in virtually any field of study. Because students work together in teams to prepare their arguments, debate teaches the virtues of cooperation and, once the debate itself begins, friendly competition. Most importantly, debate gives students a sense of purpose to their learning and an occasion to put their knowledge into action.
Goals of Using Debate in the Classroom:-Engage students in the subject matter -Operationalize the issues of the subject matter -Create advocacy-oriented education -Teach persuasion skills -Teach critical thinking -Create positive classroom atmosphere -Create new patterns of knowledge -Have fun
See iDebate Press for information on how you can order this book.

>>>>> more??? (click here<<http://www.idebate.org/teaching/classroom.php))


Grade Level(s): 9, 10, 11, 12

Subject(s) : Language Arts/Debate
OVERVIEW : Debate students need to understand that how they say something is
just as important as what they say. Making effective persuasive
arguments by dealing with stage fright will bring success to every
debate team.

PURPOSE : The purpose of this lesson is to improve debating skills by confronting
stage fright, thereby, allowing the debater to effectively present
winning arguments.
Students will be able to:
  1. Understand the frustration of wanting to speak yet being afraid to speak.
  2. Define stage fright.
  3. Realize that the fear of speaking is natural and even helpful.
  4. List common stage fright symptoms.
  5. Recall their own experiences with stage fright.
  6. Recognize their speaker strengths and weaknesses.
  7. Develop ways to control and direct their fear of speaking.

RESOURCES/MATERIALS : Tape recorder and video camera

  1. During class discussion, define and explain stage fright using specific examples. ( Vocal pauses, shaking limbs, dry mouth, voice volume too soft or loud, rate of speaking too fast or slow, shifty eye contact, monotone delivery, slouched poise, awkward gestures, body swaying etc. )
  2. Have the students recall and list their own experiences with stage fright.
  3. Share these written experiences verbally with the entire class.
  4. STEPS :
  • Divide the class into groups with a combination of advanced and novice debaters in each group.
  • Give them each a list of 3 groups of impromptu topics. Examples - Concrete words - Xmas tree, plane, skates. Abstract words - sorrow, joy, hope Quotations
  • The students will pick a word and take turns speaking about that word in front of their small group.
  • They will do this 3 times with one concrete word, abstract word and quotation.
  • The advanced speakers in each group will give a helpful and kind verbal critique of each novice speaker. The advanced speakers will congratulate them on their speaking strengths and give suggestions to improve their stage fright weaknesses.
  • The beginning speakers should list on paper their speaker strengths and weaknesses and suggestions for improvement.

5. On a follow-up day, activity 4 could be repeated in front of the entire class.

6. On a follow-up day, activity 4 could be implemented with tape player or video camera.


Your class, teacher and debate judges want you to do well. Every debater, novice or advanced, is nervous and must constantly deal with stage fright. Emphasize your strengths and work on needed improvements.

Practice, practice, practice! Success will follow

Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2008


The TOEIC® tests assess language skills that are used in daily life and in the workplace. Test takers speak and write in English their repsonses to real-world questions and scenarios. The tests use common everyday phrases, key expressions and vocabulary.

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Jumat, 24 Oktober 2008

The Three Minute Speeches

Level : Intermediate up
Lesson Aims : To give students confidence to speak without prompts for 1-3 minutes
Activity Time : 30 minutes depending on class size and student ability
Preparation Time : None
Resources : Topics

The aim of this exercise is for students to deliver a speech in front of the class using notes (if necessary) and not reading directly from an essay. Each student is to prepare a 1-3 minute speech following the steps outlined below.


  1. Students should choose a Statement from those listed below to agree or disagree with. You can add any other topics you feel are appropriate for your student level or are appropriate to geographical or cultural location.
    Women should not work
    All time spent at school is useless
    Health and education should be paid for by the government
    Globalization is a good thing
    Democracy does not work
    Religion is beneficial for society
    Children should choose what they study at school
    The Internet should be banned
  2. Get the students to write down 8-10 things they can say for or against the statement they have chosen.
  3. Choose the best 6 arguments and list the points in order so that they follow each other and so that each point is stronger as the speech is delivered.
  4. Add detail in note form to each of the 6 points, examples, statistics, personal experience.
  5. Copy the points onto a piece of card or paper without letting the students write full sentences.
    You could get the students to write the speech up as an essay first with an introduction and conclusion if needed.
  6. Get the students to deliver their speeches.
  7. If there is time, as an extension activity you can allow a Question and Answer session after each speech which will help all students focus on listening when they are not speaking.

next on >>>> http://www.englishclub.com


Main: Scattergories Brainstorms

Scattergories Brainstorms

Level : Any level
Lesson Aims : To practice listening and speaking, to revise class vocabulary
Activity Time : 20 - 30 minutes
Preparation Time : None
Resources : Whiteboard


This is a variation on scattergories
  1. Divide the class into three teams.
  2. Think of as many categories as you think are appropriate (countries, food, colors, household Items, animals, languages, clothes, adverbs, etc.)
  3. Write one category on the board and tell the students that they have two minutes to come up with as many words in each category as they can. Teams get a point for each word that they come up with. However, if more than one team writes down the same word (for example, two teams write down "red" under the category of colours) nobody gets a point.
  4. Change the category on the board and start again. The team who scores the most points wins.

Kamis, 23 Oktober 2008

Using Reported Speech

The use of reported speech is especially important at higher English levels. Students, at this point, are fine tuning their communication skills to include expressing the ideas of others, as well as their own opinions. Students usually need to focus not only on the grammar involved, but also on production skills. Reported speech includes some rather tricky transformations that need to be practiced a number of times before students feel comfortable using them in every day conversations.

Developing reported speech grammar and productions skills

Introduction and written reporting activity, followed by spoken practice in the form of a questionnaire



  • Introduce/review reported speech by making simple statements and asking students to report what you have said. Make sure to emphasize reporting in the past (i.e., "the teacher said", NOT "the teacher says")
  • Provide review sheet of principle reported speech transitions (included in lesson printout pages)
  • ·Have students get into pairs and convert the reported speech paragraph into the direct speech form.
  • ·Correct worksheet as a class.
  • Ask students to divide up into new pairs and ask each other questions from the questionnaire. Remind them to take notes on what their partners say.
  • Have students divide into new pairs and ask them to report what they have learned about the other students to their new partner (i.e., John said he had lived in Breubach for two years).
  • Follow-up with class conversation focusing on problematic tense transformations.

Reported Speech
Study the following chart carefully. Notice how reported speech is one step back into the past from direct speech.

Quoted Speech/Reported Speech

He said, "I live in Paris."
He said he lived in Paris.
He said, "I am cooking dinner."
He said he was cooking dinner.

Reported Speech - Indirect Speech

Indirect Speech (also referred to as 'reported speech') refers to a sentence reporting what someone has said. It is almost always used in spoken English.

If the reporting verb (i.e. said) is in the past, the reported clause will be in a past form. This form is usually one step back into the past from the original.
For example:
· He said the test was difficult.
· She said she watched TV every day.
· Jack said he came to school every day.

If simple present, present perfect or the future is used in the reporting verb (i.e. says) the tense is retained.
For example:

  • He says the test is difficult.
  • She has said that she watches TV every day.
  • Jack will say that he comes to school every day.

If reporting a general truth the present tense will be retained.
For example:

  • The teacher said that phrasal verbs are very important.
    Changing Pronouns and Time Signifiers
    When changing from direct speech to indirect speech, it is often necessary to change the pronouns to match the subject of the sentence.

For example:

  • She said, "I want to bring my children." BECOMES She said she wanted to bring her children.
  • Jack said, "My wife went with me to the show." BECOMES Jack said his wife had gone with him to the show.

It is also important to change time words (signifiers) when referring to present, past or future time to match the moment of speaking.
For example:

  • She said, "I want to bring my children tomorrow." BECOMES She said she wanted to bring her children the next day.
  • Jack said, "My wife went with me to the show yesterday." BECOMES Jack said his wife had gone with him to the show the day before.
  • Indirect Questions
    When reporting questions, it is especially important to pay attention to sentence order. When reporting yes/ no questions connect the reported question using 'if'. When reporting questions using question words (why, where, when, etc.) use the question word.

For more examples:

  1. She asked, "Do you want to come with me?" BECOMES She asked me if I wanted to come with her.
  2. Dave asked, "Where did you go last weekend?" BECOMES Dave asked me where I had gone the previous weekend.

Advanced Reporting Verbs >>>> read next

Basic Prepositions:

Time and Place - == at, in, on and to

Read the story below:
I was born in Seattle, Washington on the 19th of April in 1961. Seattle is in the State of Washington in the United States. That was many years ago... Now, I live in Leghorn in Italy. I work at the British School. I sometimes go to a movie on the weekend. I meet my friends at the movie theater at 8 o'clock or later. In the summer, usually in August, I go home to visit my family in America. My family and I go to the beach and relax in the sun in the morning and in the afternoon! In the evening, we often eat at a restaurant with our friends. Sometimes, we go to a bar at night.
Look at the chart below: